Frequently Asked Questions
How to prepare an initial plan in WiseImage FM?
Preparation of the initial plan:-
If the raster plan is received directly after scanning, it is necessary to execute following actions to increase its quality:
- Execute operations for raster correction such as Deskew, 4 Points Correction, Crop, Change Size and Resample;
- If the raster image is not monochrome (coloured or grey, for example), then it should be converted to monochrome by Binarization;
- On the monochrome raster image, execute Speckle Remover, Hole Remover, Thinning and Thickening;
- Clean unnecessary elements (for example – centrelines) from the raster plan.
Therefore, all unnecessary elements should be moved onto invisible layers or removed from the plan.
Last updated Wed, Feb 4 2015 11:10pm